Clitocybe nuda
aka Lepista nuda

As growing

Top view.


Section of cap.

When young they are this violet color all over:

This is a hardy mushroom, remaining fresh in the field for many days during which time there is a variety of color changes, especially if growing in the open. Vivid lilac buttons of this mushroom left to fruit over a 2-week period eventually turn a dingy brown color that bear little resemble to the buttons.

Arora (1986) referred to this mushroom as the ‘trash inhabitor’ because of its fondness for anything decomposing. It is a popular edible sold in markets in the United Kingdom, but some references listed it as poisonous because it causes problems if eaten raw. Eating this mushroom raw can cause stomach irritations, central nervous system and respiratory disturbances, reduced heart activity, lethargy and depression.

Clitocybe nuda contains high amounts of protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorous and vitamins. Many aromatic compounds with insecticidal and fungicidal properties such as Linalool have been isolated from this mushroom. Linalool, one of the most prevalent compounds used in the commercial fragrant industry, has a flowery fresh odor reminiscent of Lily of the valley, is implicated in giving Clitocybe nuda its pleasant odor. Linalool is reported to inhibit mammary cancer in rats.

Clitocybe nuda contains anti-fungal and anti-bacterial compounds that research has shown can retard the growth of the yeast Candida albicans and the bacterium Serratia aureus. Bacteria isolated from wild Clitocybe nuda have been shown to be effective at reducing brown blotch disease of cultivated mushrooms.

|Research has shown that lectins and hemolysins isolated from C. nuda can have insecticidal properties. Heavy metals such as silver, lead, mercury and copper accumulate in this mushroom. Scientists were surprised to isolate such high levels of heavy metals from C. nuda growing in unpolluted areas.