Which Mushrooms are Safe to Eat?

Only YOU can determine if a mushroom is edible. 
Hold yourself responsible for what you put in your mouth.  What someone else finds edible does not guarantee that the same mushroom is safe for YOU to eat.

Some edible mushrooms are very similar in appearance to poisonous kinds and may grow in the same habitat. Edible mushrooms are known to be safe to eat because they have been eaten frequently, by many people, with no ill effects. Poisonous mushrooms are known because someone ate them and became ill or died. There is no test or characteristic to distinguish edible from poisonous mushrooms. This indicates a need to identify with certainty one of several of the proven edible species and pick and eat only those positively identified. At the same time, you should also learn to identify some of the common poisonous mushrooms, especially those that are similar to edible kinds. It is especially important to learn the characteristics of the Amanita mushrooms, since several of the species common in in our area are poisonous, a few causing serious illness and sometimes death.

The season for collecting wild mushrooms for food begins when the first morel or sponge mushrooms are found. The false morels (members of the Gyromitra genus) are found at this same time of the year, but they must be regarded as poisonous and not collected for eating. It is true that many have eaten false morels with no apparent ill effects. However, recent research has shown toxins to be present in some of the false morels that can cause death or serious illness.

From mid summer to late autumn, a great variety of mushrooms may be found. A number of these are choice edibles.

Edible vs. Poisonous-True or False

Collecting Wild Mushrooms